I plan on starting up a business within the next few weeks of electronics liquidation(mostly computer systems and components). I thought I would ask all of you since I believe a large part of this list would be interested. My main questions are: What items would be most appealing? separate items?(such as hard drives, video cards, etc) or whole systems?(names like dell and compaq) Does it bother you that the items are usually from one of the following sources... 1. Customer Return, 2. Lost Freight, 3. Scratch and Dent, 4. Missing Documentation or Parts, or 5) Surplus / Overstock. Quality of merchandise can range from brand new to absolute junk (parts only). When I got my new system by this way it was a return that the company said had a bad video card. I opened the case and pushed the card fully into the slot and it has been working like a charm ever since. Also, how apt would you be to look through liquidation before going to a place like frys? Thanks, John Albee