As I said at the meeting the best software raid to use is the development patches which are available at: Most of you probably are thinking that you shouldn't use something called alpha software on a production server. And normally I completely agree. But in this case these patches are being used by redhat, mandrake and others in the kernels they build as the standard for their distributions. I have no idea why this patch isn't marked as stable since it is the one everyone involved with the project recomends for use on production systems. Part of the problem is due to the split from the fact that the raid project never really integrated itself into the standard kernel tree they have just been doing their own thing and the kernel developers added it to the main tree but they only migrated one release and required stability patches from the raid branch. So the raid in the STANDARD kernel (not the one distributions give out) has been far behind since day one with no one really even trying to update it. So to make a long story short if you use the kernel package provided by your linux distribution you should have the latest patches there already and it will just work, but if you like to compile your own kernel you will need to go to the url above and get raid-2.2.17-A0. Eric Thelin Where Arizona Does Tech Business Voice: 480-377-6743 Fax: 480-377-6755