\_ I'm sending this email PGP/MIME signed, as opposed to standard PGP \_ signing. If this disagrees with anyone's mailer, or if it doesn't \_ work right with your PGP setup, please contact me off-list. Just \_ trying to figure out whether I should go with PGP/MIME or standard PGP \_ encoding. [...] \_ > For the love of God, please use standard PGP encoding. \_ > \_ > MIME encoding is a pain in the ass for us Outlook / Outlook Express \_ > users. \_ \_ Fair enough. If PGP/MIME causes some clients to choke, I'll use standard. This was funny to me.... 1) Sending a signed message, but not including a reference to your public key.... 2) "standard". I've really got to track down (Twain?) who said "The best thing about standards is that there are so many to choose from." David