I upgraded RH 6.0 to 6.2 and during the upgrade the system just automatically reboots at random places. I have tried expert, & recovery modes, I even tried booting from an M$ boot floppy and the system still just rebooted! I suspect the upgrade has somehow corrupted the CMOS settings... (I have AMI BIOS). Has anyone had this happen to them? ANY THOUGHTS???? Thanks, Lynn P. Tilby (Lead Programmer/Analyst) National Data Corporation / Health Information Services Data Warehousing Solutions Office: 602 381-9629 Pager: 602 205-1692 Cell: 480 510-4392 Home O: 480 632-8635 Home: 480 632-8633 ltilby@simatics.com (work) lynn@sol.createv.com (personal)