Last night I wrote my first X program. (I've used C++ on OS/2 and Windows, and a lot of Java/AWT, but never plain old C and Xlib. X widget libraries have always seemed a lot more intimidating and hard to get started with than AWT or MFC.) I want to write a reusable guage/meter component that can be used to show any kind of measured values. Right now I want some gauges to show weather measurements on my desktop (I have a weather station, you can see its measurements at but as long as I'm at it, figured they might as well be reusable components. I started with the source to xsclock (one of the simplest of analog clocks, which uses no widget libraries, only Xlib itself) and started abstracting the concepts of hands, sets of tick marks, etc. so that there can be multiple ones at once, representing arbitrary ranges of values over arbitrary ranges of angles on the dial. Then I got to thinking about how to get the values that are going to be displayed.... what would be the most universal. I could use XML, but there are a couple ways to do that... I could have the gauge component get XML from the web server, and use expat to parse it, but it would probably be slow. The web server and the PHP code to generate the XML would add a lot of overhead; even now my weather page takes several seconds to load (most of the overhead is probably database access) and I want a much faster refresh rate for these gauges. There are a lot of Java solutions (JavaSpaces, RMI, JMS, ...) but I'd rather not depend on running Java just for a small problem like this; because every Java process takes a lot of memory, and it's still not common to be able to run a lot of Java processes all in the same VM (if it were, then I would have many uses for it, and all of them collectively could perhaps justify the overhead. But there would need to be a command-line method to load a new class with its own "main()" into the same VM, and run it along with all the other processes in that same VM. And also easily kill processes at will, without killing the whole VM.) Or, I could have the XML be written to a file every time the values change, and another process read the file. But then there would be synchronization issues. Or, I could write every value to a different file, with no adornment... just the number. Maybe with so little data being written, synchronization wouldn't be as big an issue. As a bonus, I could test the gauge by getting values from /dev/random. But it's not quite as universal a solution. I wonder if I could set up a pipe in the filesystem to another machine, so that the server writes to the pipe and the client reads from it. But I'm not sure how to do that. Anyway... what might make the most sense is CORBA. The standard includes an event service. I'd like to have a daemon which monitors the weather instruments, and broadcasts an event every time there is a change in any of the values being measured. Then I'd modify the perl script that I currently have, to get the values that way and insert them into the database rather than trying to read directly from the hardware. The daemon would be able to send events to multiple recipients, therefore the gauges could get them in real-time without database latency. On the desktop where the gauges are being displayed, it would make most sense to use the ORBit ORB, because it will be running anyway because I use Gnome. But alas, it doesn't seem to have an event service. I remember this came up at my last job... even most of the commercial ORBs didn't implement that part of the specification. So I'm wondering just what they expect you to do, when you need to implement the publish/subscribe pattern... use method calls? But it seems like CORBA assumes a strict client-server relationship; the client can definitely call methods on server-side objects, but I'm not sure if the server can call the client. I don't know if a callback method is possible. If it is, then the client could call a method on the server to register, and the server would call a method on the client to notify him that a value has changed. That would be the classic implementation of the observer pattern. Or I could try to use a separate message broker (MOM - message oriented middleware). I'm reading about it in the context of JMS at work. But the free implementations of that idea all seem to be pure Java, and the non-Java solutions are old commercial ones from companies like IBM etc... this technology apparently goes way back to the mainframe days as well. Solving this problem might enable me to solve some others as well. I want to implement a sort of universal reminder service in Nettebook, so that if I have an appointment, it can send a message to a computer in the bedroom to play a sound to get me out of bed, or send a pager message (if I had a pager, which I don't) or ring a phone somewhere and play a sound via the voice-modem, or email, or just insert an appointment into my Palm ahead of time so that it will remind me. The notification sources will get smarter over time; I want to integrate my phone system so that I'm notified if somebody important calls, but the phone doesn't ring if it's just a telemarketer. So again I need cross-platform events and CORBA or MOM would seem to be the most universal. -- _______ Shawn T. Rutledge / KB7PWD (_ | |_) __) | | \________________________________________________________________ Get money for spare CPU cycles at