Download the 6 (7? 8? 9?) Debian install floppy images, use "RAWRITE" to transfer the floppy images to high-quality pre-formatted floppy diskettes. Use the floppy diskettes to install a functional Linux system. Reboot, and install whatever additional stuff you need over the Internet using "apt." Or, for FreeBSD, download the two install floppy images (boot and root), use "RAWRITE" to transfer the floppy images to high-quality pre-formatted floppy diskettes, boot the boot floppy, follow the instructions, and tell the installer to use FTP to install FreeBSD over the Internet. D * On Fri, Aug 11, 2000 at 01:15:25PM -0700, John Wheat wrote: > I believe the mandrake discs are defective or mandrake is just a poor distro > is there a way to install another distro such as Red Hat from a windows > pllatform. I do nat have a cd burner si im sol in that respect.