Just wanted to mention that I got around to installing
logcheck from www.psionic.com last night and really like it
so far.  With portsentry and logcheck both running I have
the impression, at least, of being much more aware of what's
going on locally.
  Maybe tonight I'll find out what the heck 'hostsentry'

rustyc wrote:
> Kinda offtopic, but it seems to me that a  short reminder
> every once in a while is healthy, so I'll risk getting flamed
> and say:
> Just a short note - I was looking at my logs recently and
> yes indeedy, I've had someone trying to hack into my machine.
> So it made me think I should remind everyone:
>         Is YOUR machine ready for the internet?
> (Of course, I'm dialed in (at about 44k) 24x7, so my chances of
> getting hit are higher than the 1h/day users, but don't think
> that just because you are dialup you are not going to be probed...)
> Followups should probably go to the security-discuss list...
> (what, you're not on the security-discuss list?? yikes! ;-)
> we return you to your regularly-scheduled plug ;-)
> rc
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Carpe cerevisiae