That depends entirely on what your definition of "is" is. D * On Wed, Aug 02, 2000 at 01:12:20AM -0700, Brian Cluff wrote: > > Because proving you are right in a court of law costs money. > > To prove that UUMCUINT is a Cracker Haven[tm] takes more money > > than I have. > > The 1st Amendment is about Free Speach, not Free Legal Counsel. > > Please look up SLAPP in any legal dictionary/site. > > Yeah, unfortunatly in todays times, I'm afraid your right. You can't just > walk into court with incrimination evidence and say here, and you are found > in the right. You end up getting people nit picking and doing endruns > around your evidence like OJ and Clinton. They would probably get off > because that didn't fit their understanding of definition of cracking. [snip]