It seems like on Tue, Aug 01, 2000 at 06:19:16PM -0500, Wes Bateman scribbled: Orig Msg> Oh yeah, I almost forgot, squidGuard is MUCH faster that ACL's in Orig Msg> squid.conf for lists of 10,000+ domains +/or URLs. Orig Msg> Orig Msg> Also, better block Magusnet from all angles! ;) just kiddin' Jean :) Orig Msg> Orig Msg> Wes Orig Msg> Not funny. I looked at the Peacefire website and found out I am already listed in some Censoreware programs. I made the big time! JLF Sends... When I said to people to use PGP/GPG for all email they laughed at me and said they don't use encryption because they have nothing to hide or it was too hard to learn and use. When the press released that the USA FBI Carnivore system and UK RIP bill allowed for easily reading their email, they called me to ask for help configuring PGP and GPG. I laughed. ( J.L.Francois )