Am 31. Jul, 2000 schwäzte Don Mock so: > Hey they didnt even ask what size...... Even worse their marketing questions suck. My main sources of info are man pages and friends and mailing lists like this. No options for that. Freshmeat and Slashdot aren't Linux info, the journals don't come out often enough to be a main source and I'm not sure about LinuxCare. might qualify, but I tend to not go there either :). They also need an "other" for connection as Speed Choice is more than 56k, but isn't cable or T1. Ah well, I don't want to advertise for them anyway. Besides (as Robert well knows!) some wierd company named Opnix has given me enough shirts to not have to do laundry for a week :). cioa, der.hans -- # # Knowledge is useless unless it's shared. - der.hans