I'm giving an old computer of mine to a sick friend. It's an old Pentium 75 with 16MB EDO I've been planning on playing around with as a linux server. I had this Sportster 33.6k modem inside my current pc which I put into the P75. Now when I went to use my fax software I was reminded I no longer have a modem. I'm not pickie. If anyone has an old fax modem that they don't use collecting dust, even a 14K, I would appreciate it. I was going to recommend to my friend to buy a new modem but they're pretty expensive. If she can get by at 28K I can get by for a while without a fax. I have cable-modem for my internet stuff, but once a month I get to receive a fax from some low tech business. Maybe at the next PLUG meeting. Thanks, Mark