As far as keeping track of systems, we like to use Netsaint for monitoring, Cricket for graphing (servers & routers) and WebRT for sysadmin requests.. I'm not sure if these count as toolbox tools, but they sure make our lives easier :) On Tue, Jul 25, 2000 at 11:19:51AM -0700, Joel Dudley wrote: > I am now comfortable administering our entire mixed NT/linux environment from the safety of my Mandrake 7.1 admin box (Samba, VNC, ethereal, etc). Now that I am comfortable with basic administration, I am wading through the vast amounts of open source programs in an effort to amass a versatile, linux based, sysadmin toolbox. I am just curious as to what programs other sysadmins feel are "essential" to their administration routine. I know that there is no defacto standard group of programs that come to mind when administrating a network, but perhaps fellow sysadmins could share the various implements contained within their proverbial Linux syasadmin swiss army knife. Sorry for the long post and I apologize if I am being too vague. > > - Joel > ---------------------------------------------------------------------------- > "For the scientist who has lived by his faith in the power of reason, the > story ends like a bad dream. He has scaled the mountains of ignorance; he is > about to conquer the highest peak; as he pulls himself over the final rock, > he is greeted by a band of theologians who have been sitting there for > centuries." > > - Dr. Robert Jastrow > Founder of NASA"s Goddard Institute for space studies > > -- Eric Barendt System Administrator Cyber Trails