\_ Ya, I'm on as root. Look at man useradd. It tells me that -p needs to be \_ in the crypto format. I wish it would let me use plain text.. Hmmm, this seems like a call for the standard sys admin response. Oh, wait, I can't hang up the phone in email. :-) Use the other standard sys admin response: perl. Assuming you have a file of user:clear-pass thusly: foo% cat > pass this:that the:other linux:password ^D foo% perl -ne 's/(.*):(.*)/print "useradd $1 -p " . crypt($2, $1) . "\n"/e' pass useradd this -p thG9iz7dzFlnw useradd the -p th28nJZrHWOZA useradd linux -p liD9qG.4Rmvo2 foo% So...you can either pipe that to sh, redir to file then bash it, change 'print' to 'system', or wait for a more palatable option to present itself. :-) HTH. HAND. David ps: I originally used 'sh' on the file, but it seemed to have a more negative connotation that just 'bash'ing the file.