There were a few of you at the PLUG meeting that figured I was just biased towards Debian without giving DedRhat and RPM a fair shake for consideration with KickStart. I only plan to use tar,cpio,nfs,samba,dpkg,apt,ssh,FAI,and cfengine to make the Sysadmin function a breeze thru automation/scripting. I picked Debian because all of the tools I need will be or already are cleanly integrated into the distribution. I also have a set of home grown scripts I have already written that do most of this work already. Please look at the URLs below. Feedback welcome and encouraged. FAI (Fully Automatic Installation) FAI will be fully integrated into Woody but is available for use today. GNU cfengine Tool for configuring and maintaining network machines The main purpose of cfengine is to allow the system administrator to create a single central file which will define how every host on a network should be configured. It is the hardest to set up but pays big in the long run. Try this link to look at some of the other kickass tools for Automated System Admin. NOTE: The trick is to not let anyone know you are using these tools so you can spend more time on the golf course while looking like a member of the Sysadminerati Illuminatus[1] to the common l^Huser folk as they stand in awe of the miracles being performed on the servers even when you aren't there. [1] Enlightnened System Administrator Social Class Jean Francois Sends... President & CEO - MagusNet, Inc.,, MagusNet.Gilbert.AZ.US Director Of Managed Services - OpNIX,Inc., OpNIX - Simply Supernatural Bandwidth 602-770-JLF1 - Cellular, ICQ: 8137851