I know this is way off topic, but I know most folks here have other jobs besides configuring Linux all day. We have an immediate need for a MAC Hardware/Software consultant. We provide docking solutions for mobile computers (web site: http://www.mobl.com) and have some driver issues to iron out on the MAC platform with our chip design. If anyone has any experience in this field we would be be very interested in aquiring your services. Just to let everyone know this is not completely off topic, I'm sure we would love to have a "Linux Compatible" sticker on our product as well. If there are any Linux driver guys out there, I'm sure I could convince our management to push this market as well. Please email any further posts off list to: mstarke@mobl.com or jdoss@mobl.com Mike mgcon@getnet.com http://www.getnet.com/~mgcon Phoenix, AZ USA