Okay I successfully (sort of) installed Debian onto my AMD K6 333, with 96M of memory. First problem since I installed onto my secound hard drive I couldn't install lilo. (I vaguely understand that this is because lilo needs to be above a certain sector of the disk) Okay I don't expect to have to reboot that often anyway so I don't mind booting from disk. I make the bootdisk and boot into debian for the first time. great. I'm up and I can telnet/ftp and send mail. But after a little more playing around I find that I can't mount my cd-rom. (mount -r -t iso9660 /dev/sonycd_31a /mount I think). run X (startX) or even run my man pages (man -duh!). Okay so I do a little looking and the man pages are there (they are .tar.gz though is that normal?). but I can't seem to find the man utility. And Xconfigurator and Xf86config doesn't appear to be working either. Anybody have any ideas? Then because I couldn't even go to the website to view the HowTo's there (yes lynx appears to not be working either). I try to boot into Dos (well really Win98 but you know what I mean). Where it says something about there being child processes running 32bit and that its a problem so I had to reboot about 3 more times. (I'd get the actually error but I'm scared I wouldn't be able to recover again.). What did I do wrong? Anybody? Oh btw I used apt to install the packetages. Carl Parrish webmaster www.carlparrish.com