That will be expensive. Keep in mind there are plenty of things that can bring down your system besides a bad hard drive -- e.g., human error, failing CPU fan, memory problem, etc. For sure, high availability is a very complex issue and there are no pat answers. If you want to hash it over off-list, shoot me a message. -- Rod James Shaker wrote: > > Hello, > > I need to procure 3 rack mount servers. In sorting through what is > available out there I have found that > most are RedHat based. Whatever I buy, I will change to Debian. The first > server I want to have a hot > swap raid array and dual hot swap power supplies. The other 2 servers will > not be connected to the web, > but communicate data to the web server and do not need the raid > array. Does anyone on this list have > any suggestions or caveats? > > James Shaker >