\_ Make sure the files are removed and compile the source.. ;)
\_ I have completely lost faith in RPM, I haven't used dselect in a while, but
\_ in my opinion, you can't get a cleaner install than compiling and installing
\_ it yourself.


The two main reasons I cut over to RH was that it managed dependencies
and came with an 'uninstall' option.  

I don't want to spend out hours figuring out from reading some
obscured documentation on some software that it depends on

And at the same time, if I want it to go away, what are the chances
the author has arranged it so that there is an 'uninstall' target in
the Makefile?

Plus, watching X rebuild from source has to be about as fun as running
fingers through a tablesaw, and I've done that.  [Not recommended for
home viewers.]
