-> You are asking the wrong question. -> -> Even OpenBSD which is touted as secure out of the box -> has CERT advisories that mention it that come out once -> or twice a year. -> -> There are no guarantees against buffer overflow attacks. -> There are no guarantees against backdoors or Trojans. -> There is no such thing as a secure system. -> Security is not a "fire and forget" operation. -> Security takes constant vigilance, planning, and learning. I knew that. -> MagusNet, Inc. firewall rules and configs are constantly -> reconfigured based on attack signatures for each day. -> Every part of my hybrid firewall config is custom and looks -> nothing like what would come out of any distribution. -> There is no way *any* vanilla distro could account for -> the number and types of attacks I see in a 24 hour -> period due to running a Public Proxy. I would be interested in how to setup this kind of dynamic custamized firewall. If you do not mind sharing the knowledge. -> For the record I haven't had any system I personally -> connected to the Internet get compromised over the -> last 3 years, that tells me I am due, not that I am -> better than the crackers. You are definatelly due. (NOT!) ;-)