Sounds likely they're using ActiveX at the client, which means that what they offer is not a WWW application but a proprietary Internet application that requires a custom Microsoft client. If so, you'll never become MS free by using this service. Try VMware. -- Rod Charlie Bullen wrote: > > Hello to ALL, > > I am trying as much as possible to go Microsoft free. As paart of this > strategy I have been using Star Office, both for Win98 and Linux and > have found that files creeated on one aare completely usable on the > other. In faact Im storing all of the files created on my Win machine > on my linux box as I have Samba running on the linux box. > > Ive encountered 1 criticle problem. I have to aaccess a protected web > site which claims to require Internet explorer. I > was real happy to find that I could access the site via the Staroffice > Browser running under windows. Yesterday I got a modem for my Linux > (Suse 6.2) box configured it got it working fine (infact Im sending > this email from the Star Office email client) unfortunatley I cant > access the web page with the staroffice browser under linux. I can get > to the first page , Click the icon to login and it goes to a page that > says I have to have IE5.0 > > This page never worked under netscape under win98. > > Accessing this page is a mission criticle function so until I can > figure out how to make this work I'm stuck with Windows and IE%. > > Any Ideas > > Thaks Charlie Bullen