Their jobs are only at stake in November if there are candidates to replace them. Perhaps we need a list of candidates--incumbent and challenger--and their positions on UCITA. If they're all pro-UCITA, or none are willing to go on the record against it, then it won't be much of an election issue. -- Mark "T.C." Thomas Datawarehouse Programmer Hotel Information Technology Cendant Corporation -----Original Message----- From: Jim [] Sent: Monday, June 26, 2000 3:29 PM To: Subject: Re: UCITA update. I almost agree, Hawke. Look at the mess that they have created with the current education situation. All of their jobs are at stake in the November election, but its hard to show that they have any concerns for anything other than protecting their own butts. As far as some sort of petition, I agree that they will pay attention if enough people get involved and sign it. I wonder if there is anyone out there that would draft a petition?