I have been stuggeling with IP based virtual hosting on a Gateway Micro server running REd Hat Linux and Apache 1.3 web server. Gateway says that the Microserver doesnt support hosting more than 1 site. I didnt believe them and went in and configured another IP adress on one of the Nic cards. I can ping either IP address. I also added another virtual host entry to the httpd.conf file. I saved the file and rebooted the computer. There must be some proprietary software in the box because it reverted the httpd.conf file back to what is was before and wrote a new file httpd.conf.961719300 which contains the new configuaration. I now want to try a difernt approach. We have and old IBM aptiva thats not being used and I think i'll load Redhat on it. The only distribution I have is 5.2 but it should work. I'll then host The other web site on that machine. The site wont get much traffic. One challange I see is that Our ISP USwest has given use 1 set of IP Addresses and out internal lan has a different set assigned by another 3rd party vendor. We cant change those addresses or they wil no longer support us so I cant change those. Is it possible to do what I want to do. I think I would have to have US West route the IP address of the second website to our Micro server and then forward it to the IBM running Apache with an IP in he series or our LAN. Unfortunatley, I have to use the resources on hand as I have no buget to purchase anything. Regards, Charlie --------------------------------------------------------------------------- Charlie Bullen cello@primenet.com It is one of the most beautiful compensations of life, that no man can sincerely try to help another without helping himself. - Ralph Waldo Emerson