This is a multi-part message in MIME format. ------=_NextPart_000_0050_01BFD9E8.2379FB20 Content-Type: text/plain; charset="iso-8859-1" Content-Transfer-Encoding: quoted-printable I've been asked to migrate the school that I work (The one that we are = now holding the plug meetings at) over to an all linux environment = (Hurray!!!!). We are currently using novell for print servers and file = servers, and groupwise for e-mail. Because of the high cost of replicating out system here onto our other = campuses and the fact that groupwise sucks, we all made the decision to = move to linux. Im sure that the fact that I wouldn't shutup about it = and that I had only been installing programs on the systems that where = available for free and for windows and linux had nothing to do with the = descision (wink wink). Anyway, what we would like to do it convert all the windows workstations = over to linux and all the servers as well, but because we will still = have a few windows boxes running around for the administration to use, = because they have to use certain macro's built into some MS office = applications for various state reporting things that we have to do, so = the end result would have to be available to both linux and windows. What I will be needing is: Authentication what is available out there for doing centralized authentication for = both windows and linux out there LDAP is kinda what I have been looking at, but if there is something = better out there I would love to hear about it. File serving whats the best filesystem for this? NFS, AFS, Samba, CODA..etc.etc? Print serving I think this is fairly straight forward lp/samba config, but if = there is something better out there,I would love to hear about it. Groupwise calendaring replacement I think that I am going to use star office for this. Ive already = installed the star calendar server and played with both the = windows and linux version of starschedule and it seems to work very = well. If anyone has any horror stories on this or if there is = something better.. suggestions welcome. and mail I think mail is sort of a duh thing here... POP3 and IMAP i think = are the way to go these days, so that they can get their mail = from home too. Please help guide me here, I got thrown into the deep end before I was = ready and hadn't given much though to them taking me up on my constant = suggestions on switching over. Brian ------=_NextPart_000_0050_01BFD9E8.2379FB20 Content-Type: text/html; charset="iso-8859-1" Content-Transfer-Encoding: quoted-printable
I've been asked to migrate the school = that I work=20 (The one that we are now holding the plug meetings at) over to an all = linux=20 environment (Hurray!!!!).  We are currently using novell for print = servers=20 and file servers, and groupwise for e-mail.
Because of the high cost of replicating = out system=20 here onto our other campuses and the fact that groupwise sucks, we all = made the=20 decision to move to linux.  Im sure that the fact that I wouldn't = shutup=20 about it and that I had only been installing programs on the systems = that where=20 available for free and for windows and linux had nothing to do with the=20 descision (wink wink).
Anyway, what we would like to do it = convert all the=20 windows workstations over to linux and all the servers as well, but = because we=20 will still have a few windows boxes running around for the = administration to=20 use, because they have to use certain macro's built into some MS office=20 applications for various state reporting things that we have to do, so = the end=20 result would have to be available to both linux and = windows.
What I will be needing is:
    what is available = out there for=20 doing centralized authentication for both windows and linux out=20 there
    LDAP is kinda what I = have been=20 looking at, but if there is something better out there I would love to=20         hear about it.
File serving
    whats the best = filesystem for=20 this?  NFS, AFS, Samba, CODA..etc.etc?
Print serving
    I think this is = fairly straight=20 forward lp/samba config, but if there is something better out there,I=20 would      love to hear about it.
Groupwise calendaring = replacement
    I think that I am = going to use=20 star office for this.  Ive already installed the star calendar = server and=20         played with both the windows and = linux=20 version of starschedule and it seems to work very well.  If=20          anyone has any horror = stories on=20 this or if there is something better.. suggestions welcome.
and mail
    I think mail is sort = of a duh=20 thing here...  POP3 and IMAP i think are the way to go these days, = so =20         that they can get their mail from = home=20 too.
Please help guide me here, I got thrown = into the=20 deep end before I was ready and hadn't given much though to them taking = me up on=20 my constant suggestions on switching over.