\_ Warning this is probably annoyingly simple. \_ I've still setting my RH 6.2 up and noticed that I can't access the CD-ROM \_ unless I go through the KDE desktop. Why? \_ I'm sure it has to do with mounting the drive, shouldn't that be done during \_ boot-up ? What am I missing. \_ BTW Thanks to all those that helped with the video stuff. Turns out the damn \_ monitor can't handle the resolution I wanted, oh well back to the store. KDE probably front ending mount for you; check your fstab for a line like: /dev/cdrom /mnt/cdrom iso9660 user,noauto,ro 0 0 And when you plug in your cdrom, say 'mount /mnt/cdrom' and use it from there. Then unmount and eject it. YMMV. David