The reason that M$ got themselves into trouble with the DOJ is not the fact that they have a monopoly on Operating Systems. Being a monopoly in the United States is not illegal. M$ brought the DOJ action on themselves. They used their OS monopoly power to illegally gain a competitive edge in other markets (most obviously, but not limited to the browser market). They used their OS monopoly to restrict trade (i.e. requiring that PC vendors not include competing software on computers and that all PCs sold include the M$ tax whether or not an M$ operating system was installed). There was a time when I admired Bill and M$. He used some sometimes shady but legal tactics to produce a product that allowed the common person to use a computer. When they started using their OS to curtail my freedoms and to force me to make the choices that they deemed optimal for me, I turned to Linux. The more that I learn about how M$ has turned from a software company to a marketing company, the more I shudder. If they had only put forth half the effort into software development that they did in FUD and questionable marketing and "integration" tactics, I might still be a happy M$ user. -- Jim Zope is cool!