This tells you how qualified is the DOJ to make the decisions about computer technology. The Wolf -> -----Original Message----- -> From: Jordan Bill-G13271 [] -> Sent: Thursday, June 01, 2000 11:43 AM -> To: 'PLUG Discuss' -> Subject: They have got to be kidding! -> -> -> Is the Justice Department really serious about this? -> From CNN's website. -> -> -> Robber barons? -> -> -> The government fired back at Microsoft, -> with Attorney -> General Janet Reno -> emphasizing the Justice Department's -> determination to -> create a fair market and -> competition among U.S. businesses. -> -> "America was not made the industrial giant -> of the world by -> the robber barons -> alone," Reno told her weekly press -> conference. "It was -> made the industrial -> giant of the world by competition, by -> encouraging new -> developments, by -> encouraging young entrepreneurs to break -> into the market. -> It's the best system -> I've seen so far." -> -> In view of Microsoft's monopoly with the -> Windows operating -> system, Reno was -> asked why the Justice Department has bought tens of -> thousands of PCs -> running Windows, rather than buying -> alternative operating -> systems. -> -> She replied that monopolies limit choice, -> "I don't think -> you endorse something -> by purchasing it," Reno said, "if that's -> the only game in -> terms of an -> effective machine, the lowest price available." -> -> -> _______________________________________________ -> Plug-discuss mailing list - -> ->