On May 30, 6:00pm, erin@cybertrails.com wrote: > Our system works with Linux and though those of us on the sysadmin > staff can get you linked up, we are slowly but surely converting our > tech support out of the world of windows...so at the moment, they > would be no help to you.. I do not call tech support unless I think the problem is something that my ISP can and should fix. I require absolutely no assistance whatsoever in getting my system configured and connected to an ISP so long as I am given basic information regarding DNS, mail server IP addresses, etc. So, I don't really care if your tech support people are linux literate or not. What I do care about is that they will attempt to solve my problem regardless of what operating system I'm running. What really bothered me about my recent Primenet experience is that the tech support person attempted to get rid of me by telling me that my operating system was not supported. I am quite certain that I've been using linux with primenet for longer than he was an employee there (or probably anywhere for that matter). It is indeed fortunate (for primenet) that on my second call, I ended up with a more knowledgable and helpful support person, or I would seriously be shopping around for a new ISP now. As it is, I'm only shopping half seriously. I've certainly been checking out the URLs of the various ISPs that've come across this list recently. > But....for an official plug... we are a local isp in Arizona and > will be offering DSL service in the next couple weeks. Do you offer ISDN connectivity? (I didn't see it at your web site.) Also, what about static IP addresses (I only need one) and additional mailboxes? Kevin