On May 26, 9:54am, Joel Dudley wrote: > I am concerned, however, that a 100Mbps network > connection to the data is going to slow down the dynamic creation of the web > as compared to reading it off the 10, 000 RPM SCSI RAID disks (obviously). > Are there any good ultra high speed networking connections available that > work well under linux? Myrinet. The scientific labs that build those large Beowulf clusters that you hear about swear by it. These cards give you full duplex 1.28 Gigabit/second links. See http://www.myri.com/myrinet/overview/index.html I have heard that this is quite a pricey solution, however, so you might want to also look at ordinary gigabit ethernet. See http://cesdis.gsfc.nasa.gov/linux/drivers/ I don't have direct experience with either solution. Kevin