\_ Ok "Holy War Armor"... Have you ever tried to create a data structure, or \_ class in Basic (not the visual one)? If you can not create nice structures \_ you are left with using globals (yuck). ew...VB...you touched me with VB. Eewwww...make my holy armor all tarnished. I can't say as that I have done more than mock VB as VB. VBScript (a similar, headles beast, with all the gooey ripped out) I have experience with. I alternate between mocking VBscript and wishing it didn't have the dumb requirement of continuing _ programming statements with _ when they wrap lines. David...not towards you...just some comments that have stuck out throughout the thread. =) How about array elements going from 1 to n? Who thought of that? When I didn't see any ;s, I freaked out...then I came across the For loops. Nasty. Personally, I don't care what language is used, as long as it does what it is supposed to do, and it is well commented so, if needed, it can be modified easily, later. I don't care if the code looks 'nice', although making things easier to read makes it easier to code and debug. If a person/company wants to use ASP or JSP instead of PHP, that's fine. If they blunder the code and make it next to impossible to go in and change things around, that's their problem, not the problem of the language, although some languages are, what's the word, 'destined'? to make code look nasty. Would using PHP have made a difference in how they managed to fubar the code? I doubt it. As for not using a language because of the developer of it... Use the best tool for the job...that's how I go about projects, and so far, it's worked pretty damn well for me. By restricting yourself to non-MS influenced languages because of a gripe with MS...Al Martino says: "To each his own.". From Anthony Walsh" This is a multi-part message in MIME format. ------=_NextPart_000_000D_01BFC64F.0549C560 Content-Type: text/plain; charset="iso-8859-1" Content-Transfer-Encoding: quoted-printable Everyone knows about the Linux programmer that I have been searching = for, I'd like to thank you for all your help with your suggestions. Now = I would like to give a big throw out for three Unix Administrators. Two = positions are Perm, and One is a Contract situation. Once again, thanks = for helping me with the Linux Programmer questions. =20 If anyone is interested, please give me a call ASAP, I think that two of = these jobs are going to go quickly. Anthony Walsh IT Connections 602-240-7711 Ext. 11# ------=_NextPart_000_000D_01BFC64F.0549C560 Content-Type: text/html; charset="iso-8859-1" Content-Transfer-Encoding: quoted-printable
Everyone knows about the Linux = programmer that I=20 have been searching for, I'd like to thank you for all your help with = your=20 suggestions.  Now I would like to give a big throw out for three = Unix=20 Administrators.  Two positions are Perm, and One is a Contract=20 situation.  Once again, thanks for helping me with the Linux = Programmer=20 questions. 
If anyone is interested, please give me = a call=20 ASAP, I think that two of these jobs are going to go = quickly.
Anthony Walsh
IT Connections
602-240-7711 Ext. 11#