This is a multi-part message in MIME format. ------=_NextPart_000_0023_01BFC574.99518D00 Content-Type: text/plain; charset="iso-8859-1" Content-Transfer-Encoding: quoted-printable Keith, To be honest with you I am not a programmer. I am familiar with the = concepts, and the buzz words that IT people throw out, but it would be = impossible for me to tell you what a Linux Programmer does. I do know = that the company I represent is looking for a programmer that will be = using Linux to do Voice over IP applications. This programmer also = needs to have a telephony background dealing with NT, and LAN/WAN. I am = trying to get a better idea of what a Linux programmer is, but right now = I am still uncertain. I would be more then glad to talk with anyone = that may have experience with Linux and see if that person is a good = fit. My phone line is always open to a phone call. My phone number is = 602-240-7711 Ext. 11# Anthony Walsh IT Connections 602-240-7711 ------=_NextPart_000_0023_01BFC574.99518D00 Content-Type: text/html; charset="iso-8859-1" Content-Transfer-Encoding: quoted-printable
    To = be honest with=20 you I am not a programmer.  I am familiar with the concepts, and = the buzz=20 words that IT people throw out, but it would be impossible for me to = tell you=20 what a Linux Programmer does.  I do know that the company I = represent is=20 looking for a programmer that will be using Linux to do Voice over IP=20 applications.  This programmer also needs to have a telephony = background=20 dealing with NT, and LAN/WAN.  I am trying to get a better idea of = what a=20 Linux programmer is, but right now I am still uncertain.  I would = be more=20 then glad to talk with anyone that may have experience with Linux and = see if=20 that person is a good fit.  My phone line is always open to a phone = call.  My phone number is 602-240-7711 Ext. 11#
Anthony=20 Walsh
IT=20 Connections