Hello all, This maybe a duplicate send. I sent this to the list at about 10:00am and by 6:00pm I have not seen it so I'm resending. I have about 50 questions about VHosting. Name Vs IP based Virtual hosting. 1) The Apache documentation does not make it clear which is better - Name based VHosting or IP Based VHosting. Which is better and why? 2) I was told the following: "I'm handling some 300+ domains right now... IP based is nice, if you can afford the IP's, and the boxes. After 50 or so, the machine starts becoming more taxed by the load of the configuration, by having to handle that many different configurations for the NIC. It depends on the machine's networking. If you have a few hundred domains, suddenly your IP based hosting becomes much more of a pain, just to manage all of those IP's and NIC settings and apache.conf entries. Name based means that you have one less item to worry about." I don't understand this 50 IP VHosts per box ratio. If this were the case it seems mIcrosOft would have made this a big issue. I've never heard of this limitation. Is this true or is his configuration wrong causing resource problems? 3) I understand that IP is better because the search engines will index the site more freely. Is this true? Thank you very much for reading and answering my questions. -- Jesus is Lord!, Keith Smith 520.298.2227 ------------------------------ Come see what's new at: http://www.christian-home.net/