Hi PLUGers... Just a wierd note. I logged into Microsoft's FTP site (don't ask why, its a VERY long story), and when you log in to their FTP, it shows off another 'feature' of Microsoft's security model, telling you what WInOS you are using. I was using Linux when I logged in, and it told me: You are using Windows 2000. Wierdest thing i've ever seen. Well, almost. But its still wierd. How does Linux equate to Winblows 2k? Besides the fact that its 290 x 10^300 times better. I'm interesting in knowing how it figures this out.. I'm going to try logging in from the Alpha at school and see what happens, and i'll have my friend with the MAC log in there too... Microsoft could just be that egotistical about it, but its still funny... Phil Title pending Job.