\_ Where did it say that? \_ \_ I just ftp'd there, and it didn't say anything about the OS. | prompt% ftp ftp.microsoft.com | Connected to ftp.microsoft.com. | 220 CPMSFTFTPA04 Microsoft FTP Service (Version 5.0). | Name (ftp.microsoft.com:sinck): anonymous | 331 Anonymous access allowed, send identity (e-mail name) as password. | Password: | 230-This is FTP.MICROSOFT.COM. Please see the dirmap.txt file for more information. | 230 Anonymous user logged in. --> Remote system type is Windows2000. | ftp> quit | 221 Thank you for using Microsoft Products! This is more inline with what I was thinking.... I can't say it's suprising that an FTP server @ M$ is running (or claims to be running) w2k. Open source...alter the greeting string on compile, install on ftp.microsoft.com... David