I'm restructuring my network at home, and currently have seven possible systems to work with... my problem is I've switched around many of the components that they all have in order to achieve my desired configuration. In the process I have encountered the problem of not being able to get video when booting up... Now let me just say that three of the MB's are brand new, all of which have given me the exact same problem at some point. One of the new ones works, the other two have the same problem, I've actually seen two of the new ones work, and two of the not brand new ones work, but now, only one of the seven will boot with video. I have tried everything that I can think of, including swapping video card, memory, power supply, changing entire cases, disconnecting drives, reseating cpu, resetting cmos (which in the past has been the cure for this problem), and I've gotten to the point that I cannot even stand looking at all of these machines that I have, due to not being able to figure out the problem. Just to clarify, the exact problem is, when I boot, I get power, the cpu fan starts the HDD's spin (when connected) all the lights function, but I get absolutly NO video, not even enough to change settings in the BIOS. I've used ISA, PCI, and AGP video cards, to no avail. All of the hardware that I've tried to use, I've personally seen working in other systems. So if anyone has any ideas what could be causing this type of problem, I would be eternally grateful for your help. Thanks In Advance, Josh ________________________________________________________________________ Get Your Private, Free E-mail from MSN Hotmail at http://www.hotmail.com