On Thu, 4 May 2000, Sean Roe wrote: > It doesn't come with all the shovelware that come with RH. I just installed rh 6.2 over the weekend and was distressed about how little the dist has. "apt-get update && apt-get install " makes for a good sized dist :). > It seems more stable, weird things don't happen at high loads...yet. > It seems to be better laid out then RH....no rc1 ect.... > > I like it, I can configure just the stuff I want and roll my own so to speak. > > But I have a stupid question. After I installed it, it automagically > starts up in X. While this would be fine for some, I don't want to > start X unless I need it. I rememeber something about the inittab and > runlevels. Currently it is set to default to 2. How do I get it to > start with out X running? Yank the soft links for *xdm* out of /etc/rc2.d/. Same for kdm and gdm if they're in there. Foolish that it's doing that in runlevel 2. Hadn't noticed that before. ciao, der.hans -- # der.hans@LuftHans.com home.pages.de/~lufthans/ www.OpNIX.com # Help Jerry Lewis stamp out M$...oops that's MDA - der.hans