On Mon, 17 Apr 2000, Craig White wrote: > OK I'll byte... > > 1. don't you need to declare the 'override vars' before the host > declarations if they are to be used? Actually they are. The overide_vars f(x) is called at the beginning of where the script actually starts and the host_declaration is called almost at the end when masking is setup. I placed the f(x)s out of order to put the most likely to be edited stuff at the top :). > 2. why not have 1 or 2 logging levels as variables (have you tested how much > this script will end up logging on an @home connection?)...variables loglev1 > & loglev2 and set them both to "-l" or "" as desired. Because I haven't gone that far with it :). I want to make sure my rules are solid, then I'll worry about logging. In any case I prefer to log everything and then use grep or some other tools to read the logs :). > 3. need other modprobes such as ip_raudio OK, I'll add it. Never heard of it, though :). Anything else? > 4. flow & programming is elegant but tough for beginners to understand. True. Not really well organized anyway, but if I improve comments that should be enough for beginners. > 5. lastly, no instructions on how to execute - i.e. add to rc.local (I > assume that's what you have in mind for startfw) or a more elegant script > for /etc/rc.d/init.d which is added via chkconfig to levels 345. Put 'em in /root/bin, then run /root/bin/startfw :). I have a different set of automagic rules for boot because if I'm not on the console at boot time I don't want any network traffic to be allowed :). For others I will need to be doing something like what you're suggesting :). ciao, der.hans -- # der.hans@LuftHans.com home.pages.de/~lufthans/ www.OpNIX.com # When I work, I work hard. When I play, I play hard. # When I sit, I sleep. - Embe Kugler