moin, moin, needed to take a normal dotted quad netmask to classless for something and thought others might like this little script as well. I use it as a function, but am including it here as a standalong script. Send bug reports and enhancements to the list or to :). #!/bin/bash classed_2_classless() { decimal='0' for i in `echo $1 | tr \. " "` do if [ $i != '0' ] ; then i=`expr $i + 1` fi decimal=`expr $decimal + $i` done # classless echo `expr $decimal / 32` } netmask=$1 classlessmask=`classed_2_classless $netmask` echo $classlessmask ciao, der.hans -- # # I've got a photographic memory, # but I'm lousy photographer. - der.hans