Hi all, First off, I'm Phil, and I'm new to the Linux community. I got Mandrake 6.0 up and running (mostly) nicely two weeks ago. Linux is great, I originally set it up as a dual-boot sytem, but I haven't found a reason to boot windows since I got Linux working. I was planning on coming to tomorrow's meeting, but I won't be able to make it due to other plans (that I just found out about yesterday...). But, I have two questions: 1) A friend of mine installed (and set up) a Perl configuration script for ipchains, but now I'd like to open up a few of the ports that where locked out. I have the Perl script, but, not knowing Perl, I don't know where to start... any suggestions? (short from learning perl...) 2) How do I get WINE working? I've been playing with it quite a bit, but haven't gotten it to do anything useful. I have a small program that should have no trouble running under WINE, but don't know how to get it to run it. Please help... anyway, thanks in advance for any help, Phil -Linux Newbie