Here is where you are wrong. If Cindy has mail properly configured then it will go to either a central mail server or the ISP mail server which is supposed to deliver the email. That way she oly has to stay connected just long enuff to get her mail and send responses and let the proper MTA handle it. Forget teergrube. Assume you are trying to deliver to an MTA that is down and has no backup MX or you mistyped the domain. Her laptop MTA should keep trying for 5 days. Do you want her to stay connected that long? The relay MTA machine should have a dedicated Internet connection so the delays impose no penalty. Read RFC-821 and RFC-822 to see how email works. It is usually designated as "smart host". The MAPS DUL is designed to prevent dialups from delivering email directly since spammers use products that do this. If a dialup user is trying to deliver mail to any DUL using mail server, it will not work, and rightly so. I do not know of any ISPs that do not have mail servers specifically designed for their customer to use as relays since a dialup user is *not* supposed to be spending hours attempting to deliver mail directly. Just because you can send email directly from a dialup using Linux doesn't mean it is the right way to do it. Jean Francois Sends... President & CEO MagusNet, Inc., MagusNet.Gilbert.AZ.US CTO EBIZ Enterprises, Inc.,, 480-778-1120 - Office 602-770-JLF1 - Cellular It seems like on Wed, Apr 12, 2000 at 07:07:29PM -0700, Craig White scribbled: Orig Msg> not mail via MTA on acoustic coupler or cellular modem to jlf if Orig Msg> you want to keep the bill down. Orig Msg> Orig Msg> Craig Orig Msg> ----:----|----:----|----:----|----:----|----:----|----:----| Orig Msg> - Craig White - PO Box 8634 - Scottsdale, Arizona - 85252 Orig Msg> - e-mail address ................ - Orig Msg> - world wide web address ........ - Orig Msg> - e-mail my pager address ....... - Orig Msg> - cellular phone ................ - (602) 377-9752 Orig Msg> - voice/facsimile ............... - (480) 945-8445 Orig Msg> ----:----|----:----|----:----|----:----|----:----|----:----| Orig Msg> Orig Msg> Orig Msg> _______________________________________________ Orig Msg> Plug-discuss mailing list - Orig Msg>