I don't know much of this service (yet, we are getting it soon), but with USWest as your ISP (correct me if wrong) you would have to create a script to get the ip address from the router (which is part of the Vdsl box) and then update the routers NAT entry for the ports you needed it to forward. This would have to be run by cron as USWest could have your ip address change every 8 hours if they wanted to. > We just got our vdsl, internet and tv, I love it. However, with UsWest we > can't get static ip's with our vdsl. I previously had static ip's with my isdn > line. Is there a way to use my static ip's with vdsl or is there a good service I > can use that will push my domain name into dns servers everytime my ip changes so > I can always connect using my domain name without having to work about the ip? > Thanks in advance. -- "Intel giveth and Microsoft Taketh Away" - Gordon Moore