>Heh, I'm lucky. My roomate is part of the crew that has recently been called in >to clean up US Wests's DSL tech support. Hopefully we should have VDSL soon as >well. If you have any questions or need something looked at, msg me and I'll >pass it on to my roomate. Not making any promisese tho' ;) That's good to know! One open question I have concerns the hosting service. I have the Online Select service level, which is supposedly the deluxe one, but when I tried copying my Web content over from my old ISP, I ran into a 10-meg storage limit. I want to rent more space, but nobody knows how to go about doing that. I need another 5 meg, if possible. I have lots of spare space on my RH6.1 firewall server, but I can't use this for expansion host space because VDSL does not use fixed IP's.