>We are getting >vdsl April 5th. I'm very excited, they already have it installed in >quite a few houses >in our neighborhood. There's only one downside I've seen to us getting >dsl. Right >now we have static ip's and use isdn and have a registered domain... >azkachinadivers.org >However, xDSL uses dynamic ips. I don't know of any way around this >problem, except if >I worked @ uswest as a sysadmin I could push the ip into the dns servers >everytime the ip >changes. We have had VDSL since mid-November. It works very well, and we have had complete uptime except for one day when US Worst went back into the box to hook up a new customer and inadvertently knocked us offline. You will have up to 3 video streams, voice and DSL all in one package. We have encountered only two general drawbacks so far: 1. No more taping video off the air with your VCR except on the currently-set channel, since each video stream (service to one TV set) handles only the channel now being viewed; 2. No customer service. The numbers they give you point to out-of-state call centers where they know about the phone and TV parts of the service, but are totally clueless about DSL, the Internet, or the hosting service. PLUG and other user groups will be your guides here.