It seems like on Sat, Mar 25, 2000 at 12:49:18PM -0700, Brian Cluff scribbled: Orig Msg> If I remember correctly, you have to open all the ports from 1000-65535 to Orig Msg> come into a certain host so that it would be reached within the firewall. Make sure that the connection is limited to a specific host. Being lazy and opening it up network wide is not neccesarily a good idea depending on what you have running internally. For Example: 1025 TCP listener System V Release 3 listener. Block 1352 UDP, TCP lotusnotes Lotus Notes mail system. Block 1525 UDP archie 2000 TCP OpenWindows Sun proprietary window system. Block 2049 UDP, TCP nfs Sun NFS Server (usually). Spoof. Block 2766 TCP listen System V listener. Block 3264 UDP, TCP ccmail Lotus cc:Mail. Block 5130 UDP sgi-dogfight Silicon Graphics flight simulator. Block 5133 UDP sgi-bznet Silicon Graphics tank demo. Block 5500 UDP securid 5510 TCP securidprop 5701 TCP xtrek X11 xtrek. Block 6000 thru 6063 TCP x-server X11 server. Sniff. Spoof. Block 6667 TCP irc Internet Relay Chat. Block 7000 thru 7009 UDP, TCP afs Andrew File System. Spoof. Block 7100 TCP font-service X Server font service. Block Jean Francois Sends... President & CEO MagusNet, Inc., MagusNet.Gilbert.AZ.US CTO EBIZ Enterprises, Inc.,, 480-778-1120 - Office 602-770-JLF1 - Cellular