Sorry if this email is inappropriate for the general discussion list but the the "having problems" link anchor on the plug website is broken and none of the links on the page look appropriate ( I'm about to pull all of may damn hair out with this problem and I am looking for some outside ideas. Here's the deal: Cisco 675 DSL router Mandrake 7.0 I can't route to other networks when I use the DSL router as the gateway. It worked for quite a while but suddenly stopped (with no changes from my end). when I try to look at the routing table with 'netstat -r' it shows all the routes and then hangs just before the DSL router's entry. It just hangs there forever.. If I remove the route (route del default), the route command doesn't hang anymore. If I re-add the route (route add default gw it just hangs again. I can ping the router and it seems OK. The strange thing is that the router works fine if I reboot into win98 (I had to boot into windows to send this email). Not being a network expert, I'm a bit perplexed. I know (or have read somewhere [must be correct if I read it right :) ] that some OS's rely on an "active" router to respong to routed request's with some sort of ACK while others are happy with a "passive" route with no response from routed on the router. Could this have some sort of relation to my problem or am I even more confused than I think I am? Thanks, Mike Cantrell