Yeah, it did get pretty lengthy. sorry for that. Although using learn in indicates you suspect I do not know how to do it which is not entirely true. The Wolf -----Original Message----- From: Craig White [] Sent: Monday, March 20, 2000 5:54 PM To: Subject: RE: test learn how to trim your replies please ----:----|----:----|----:----|----:----|----:----|----:----| - Craig White - PO Box 8634 - Scottsdale, Arizona - 85252 - e-mail address ................ - - world wide web address ........ - - e-mail my pager address ....... - - cellular phone ................ - (602) 377-9752 - voice/facsimile ............... - (480) 945-8445 ----:----|----:----|----:----|----:----|----:----|----:----|