It seems like on Sat, Mar 18, 2000 at 03:32:18PM -0700, Rick Rosinski scribbled: Orig Msg> I have billions of font files that I would like to change the names of -- to Orig Msg> make all of them have lowercase letters instead of all caps. Orig Msg> Orig Msg> Does anybody know of such a command that can do this for all of the files at Orig Msg> once? Thanks. Orig Msg> Orig Msg> Orig Msg> -- Orig Msg> Rick Rosinski Orig Msg> Orig Msg> Orig Msg> First things first. DISCLAIMER: This script may or may not work as intended. It is the responsibility of the user to back up files. I make no claims as to the fitness of this script for any use. =================CUT HERE===================== #!/bin/bash ##################################### ### Place this script in the directory ### containing the files to be converted ### from UPPERcase to lowercase names. ### It will create a temp directory ### and copy the files there with ### lowercase names. ### Jean Francois - March 2000 ##################################### mkdir tmp for i in `ls --color=no` do ORIG_FILE="$i" NEW_NAME=`echo $i | tr [A-Z] [a-z]` echo "Moving $ORIG_FILE to $NEW_NAME" cp $ORIG_NAME tmp/$NEW_NAME done =================CUT HERE===================== Jean Francois Sends... President & CEO MagusNet, Inc., MagusNet.Gilbert.AZ.US CTO EBIZ Enterprises, Inc.,, 480-778-1120 - Office 602-770-JLF1 - Cellular