It seems like on Fri, Mar 10, 2000 at 12:45:12AM -0700, der.hans scribbled: Orig Msg> Orig Msg> Jean, is it possible to mostly reject a piece of mail such that they get Orig Msg> it a couple of dozen times before it finally gets fully rejected? Orig Msg> Orig Msg> ciao, Orig Msg> Hmmmm.... I have never tried to do that. It sounds evil, and I like that. Try the URLs in my .sig and see if anyone has built something taht will do multiple rejects. I only use sendmail so I can't speak for the other MTAs. Here is what my sendmail setup would look like. /etc/mail/deny.file ( becomes deny.db ): "551 Oh My God!...You Spammed Kenny!...You Bastards!..." "551 Oh My God!...You Spammed Kenny!...You Bastards!..." teergrube.delay.local: 90000 So now if the SPAM comes directly from them without mail relay it gets held up for 90000 seconds before getting delivered to sendmail, which promptly drops the email during the HELO and/or MAIL-FROM stage so it never gets to your hard drive. In the event they relay rape a server in .ch or .tw the sendmail rule will catch it and drop it. Now remember because the mail stays in queue for 90000 seconds, the sender will still get messages that: "this email has not been delivered in [SOME SET INTERVAL]. delivery will be attempted for the next [ SOME OTHER SET INTERVAL ]" so in sendmail the default is to send the alert every 4 hours and keep trying for 5 days. I guess teergrube wins. NOTE: I had some local ISP get pissed at me because they upgraded their WINNT mail server with some software that choked and died when it encountered my teergrube. It resulted in a complaint to my upstream ISP provider. It is the first and only teergrube complaint I have seen in the 3+ years I have been running it. Reference RFC821 Appendix E for details on how a teergrube works and why and RFC821 compliant MTA wont notice it is there. ** Debian Linux/*BSD Rocks! ** Read This Emails Headers ** Send me ASCII & RTF only. Microsoft formats go to /dev/null unread. MagusNet,Inc. fights UCE/UBE/SPAM: , Got Anonymity on the Internet?