Most of you know that I compete with the Anonymizer by providing my own Anonymizing Public Proxy on the Internet. This is perfectly legal since the Supremes have upheld anonymous speech in case after case. I provide better free features like SSL and ease of use unlike Anonymizer. See: There are times when anonymity on the Internet is a requirement. It looks like that may all end soon. DoubleClick will love this. My companies days are numbered. It's the "broad new powers" part that should worry IT professionals, especially ISPs. ********* The forthcoming report: *********,1283,34720,00.html U.S. Wants to Trace Net Users by Declan McCullagh ( 3:00 a.m. 4.Mar.2000 PST WASHINGTON -- The ease of hiding one's identity on the Net is giving police migraines and justifies providing broad new powers to law enforcement, the White House says in a forthcoming report. The federal government should take steps to improve online traceability and promote international cooperation to identify Internet users, according to a draft of the report commissioned by President Clinton. ********* Jean Francois Sends... President & CEO MagusNet, Inc., MagusNet.Gilbert.AZ.US CTO EBIZ Enterprises, Inc.,, 480-778-1120 - Office 602-770-JLF1 - Cellular