Before I read this message, I experimented with something. I did "mke2fs /dev/ram0 1024" Then "mount /dev/ram0 /mnt" I saw a file system there, and I copied seti to it, and it is running from there. Seems to have worked. Is this ok, or do I actually have to do all of the stuff below? On Sun, 30 Jul 2000, you wrote: > I apologize in advance if your question has already been > answered..... > Create an empty file, mkdir /root/seti > dd if=/dev/zero > of=seti.img bs=1k count=1024 > mke2fs -1 1024 -b 1024 -m > 5 -F -v seti.img > mount seti.img /root/seti > -t ext2 -o loop > cd /root/seti > Transfer your seti files into /root/seti. umount /root/seti > gzip -c -9 seti.img > > setigz.img > mount setigz.img /dev/ram0 > -t ext2 > > You could add an entry to your fstab so this is done at startup. > The file names and directories, I made up. Use whatever you want... > I don't know how much data you'll be adding so you may want to change the > count, ( count=4096, or count=9216). Also, I have done this with looped > files, ( mount setigz.img /root/seti -t ext2 -o loop), but not with ram > devices. The looped file would still be accessed from disk, though. > I hope this helps. If you decide to try it, please let me know how > everything worked out. > Thanks, JR > > > > > > Hello, everybody. I am running Seti@home and it works great. I > have find out, however, that it does alot reading from the hard drive. I > want to take the extra stress off of the hard drive, and put everything > about seti@home into a RAM disk. I have no idea on how to create a ram > disk. I want to create a ram disk, mount it as a directory and treat it > like any other directory in the file system. Can somebody help me out? > Thanks in advance. -- Rick Rosinski -- Rick Rosinski