This message is in MIME format. Since your mail reader does not understand this format, some or all of this message may not be legible. ------_=_NextPart_001_01BF83D6.A9A21538 Content-Type: text/plain; charset="iso-8859-1" Our Apache server has been running for months on a RedHat 6.0 Linux server (on port 80). Today, it seemed to have crashed (still investigating why). Now we can't get it to come back up on port 80, but it'll work just fine on port 81. The logs say it can't bind to port 80. 2 things: 1) Is there a way to see what ports are available and/or being used? 2) Any suggestions on how to fix this? Thanks for any and all help - we've been beating our brains trying to fix it. We also tried upgrading to RedHat 6.1, so now we are on Apache 1.3.9, but the same problem is there. We have rebuilt the binary a couple of times, rebooted the server, stop and started various daemons countless times to no avail. If you have apache set to port 80 in it's .conf file, when you execute httpd it'll start and stop right away - that's when you look in the logs and see that it has the binding problem. Patrick ------_=_NextPart_001_01BF83D6.A9A21538 Content-Type: text/html; charset="iso-8859-1" Content-Transfer-Encoding: quoted-printable Can't bind to port 80

Our Apache server has been running for months on a = RedHat 6.0 Linux server (on port 80).  Today, it seemed to have = crashed (still investigating why).  Now we can't get it to come = back up on port 80, but it'll work just fine on port 81.  The logs = say it can't bind to port 80.

2 things:
1) Is there a way to see what ports are available = and/or being used?

2) Any suggestions on how to fix this?

Thanks for any and all help - we've been beating our = brains trying to fix it.  We also tried upgrading to RedHat 6.1, = so now we are on Apache 1.3.9, but the same problem is there.  We = have rebuilt the binary a couple of times, rebooted the server, stop = and started various daemons countless times to no avail.

If you have apache set to port 80 in it's .conf file, = when you execute httpd it'll start and stop right away - that's when = you look in the logs and see that it has the binding = problem.

